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Simpheropol Region 
by Roger Werner    

Ukrainian History Section--Simpheropol Region

From the 3rd century B.C.E onward Neapolis Scythia was the capital of the Royal Scyths, a militaristic people who lived in the region until the early centuries of the common era.  Originally invaders from the northern steppes, the Scythians appear to have undergone significant Hellenization after the 3rd century B.C.E; probably  due to their frequent contact with their hostile neighbors  of the state of Cimmerian Bosporus.  There is archaeological evidence for a permanent Greek settlement within the Scythian city.  Before 200 B.C.E., Neapolis Scythia was surrounded by a strong stone and mortar wall.  The main gate was flanked by two  towers.  Both remains of the exterior walls and Hellenistic style structures within the city have been unearthed.  The cemeteries of Neapolis Scythia are monumental  and varied.  Of note is a mausoleum that contains seventy-two richly  furnished tombs, which are probably representative of the royal Scythian house.  A smaller cemetery consisting of Hellenistic tombs and niches has yielded painted walls depicting Scythian houses   and hunting scenes.  The city ceased to exist about the same time the Scythians disappeared from history in the second century C.E.

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