Aberdeen Woods is a magical place where faeries roam. It's not easy to get photos, but now and then they can be seen flitting in the shadows, or out on a rock sunning. Those that are not too shy we will photograph and share with you. Check back for new additions! Each is a unique individual, there are never any two the same!
Please have patience as the pictures load!
Here is a shot of a group of the fae folk as they gathered under a tree....
For a closer look at the individuals, click on the thumbnails below...
Here's another group under a shady tree...
Click on the thumbnails to see them individually...
Here are some more that we've seen cavorting about recently...
Many more will be joining us soon - they are starting to venture out more with the good weather, so we should be able to capture a few (on film!) for you shortly!
Aberdeen Woods is a sanctuary of sorts.
Occassionally, one of our faeries decides that life needs more variety, and moving out into the world is a good thing.....
In those cases, you can find them listed up for adoption on ebay - search for Aberdeen Woods by seller's ID.